Some of you folks are probably interested in where Thomas and I went for our honeymoon. Well, it turns out we went on an Alaskan cruise followed by a land excursion led by Thomas himself. Thomas recently posted pictures on his blog. You can also check out our photographer's blog.
...more later...
Monday, August 15, 2011
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Sprouting today...!
For those of you following the blog, you probably have noticed the backdrop of a bean sprout. Well, today is the day that Thomas and I will consummate our marriage. Just as a bean is a dicot, sending up its two cotyledon leaves up toward the sunlight as one plant; so too are Thomas and I two people joined as one on this day, keeping our eyes on the Son's Light, that is God's Son, Jesus Christ.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Waiting for the perfect man...
As noted in a previous post (July 1, 2011), throughout college, my friends joked about Thomas and I getting married. Some of them were rather forward and asked me what I was waiting for...well...I'm no longer waiting for the perfect man because I've found the perfect man for me. With that said, I'm not insinuating that he himself is perfect nor am I perfect, but I'm claiming that we are two imperfect beings whom with the help of our Heavenly Father, our marriage will be made perfect through our dependence on Him, enduring the ups and downs of life.
Here are some of their messages: tomorrow my father will be giving me away to the man of my dreams. Thank you everyone for your love, prayers, and guidance. Thomas and I are eager to be united together in Christ. Please continue to pray for us as we embrace the many tribulations and jubilations of life.
Here are some of their messages: tomorrow my father will be giving me away to the man of my dreams. Thank you everyone for your love, prayers, and guidance. Thomas and I are eager to be united together in Christ. Please continue to pray for us as we embrace the many tribulations and jubilations of life.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
"Can I milk your goats?!"
Many people have been asking how Thomas and I met. Well, it was roughly 12 years ago when I asked Thomas (aka - Chicken Man) to show my younger siblings and I how to show poultry (birds) at the Montcalm County Fair. I was 11 years old, and Thomas was 15 years old. We, of course, saw each other around fair, but now we had exchanged words. So, that is how we met, but as far as how we became friends, the credit goes to Thomas. He had an interest in my dairy goats. A couple years later (I'm now 13), he came up to me and inquired, "can I milk your goats?" That might seem strange, but there were always people asking me if they could milk my goats. So, per usual, I informed Thomas when I was scheduled to milk. That following evening, I was eating pizza with family from out of town, and a 4-H leader informed me that there was a guy asleep at my milkstand. OOPS! I knew that I was pushing back my milking time, but family trumped milking (to some extent, at least). What I forgot was that Thomas intended to meet me that night when I was milking; so I inadvertently stood him up. About a week after fair, Thomas looked up my parents' number in a phone book (yeah...those things are practically, gave me a call, and invited me to go swimming with him at his grandparents'. We would be chaperoned, of course, by his mother, seeing as I was 13 and Thomas was 17. At this time, he was still using me for his infatuation with my dairy goats, which his parents would not allow him to raise.
As time wore on, Thomas continued to pursue me more and my goats less. He asked if he could come over during the summer on his way to work (it was a little out of his way) to help me milk my goats in the morning. This time, he was less interested in the goats and more interested in me, meaning he was using my goats to spend time with me. Due in large part to our age difference, I insisted that we just remain friends, and that we did. We became really good summertime friends, and eventually, we expanded our friendship to span the school year. During the last year Thomas was eligible for showmanship as a 4-Her, he requested permission to show one of my goats at the county fair, and he came over every day (except Sunday) to take care of the goat he chose. Thankfully, I managed to squeeze out a place higher than him in the senior goat showmanship class, eventually winning Grand Champion Showman.
Through the ups and downs of our friendship (admittedly mostly ups), Thomas pursued a formal "dating" relationship, which was described in the "On this day in history..." post (5/25/11). Now, as per God's guiding hand, Thomas and I are preparing to embark on a lifelong marital relationship.
In the spirit of fair week, here's the 4-H Pledge:
For the Bradley Bridal Shower, my mother adopted a version of the 4-H Pledge for me as I enter matrimony with Thomas. Here it is:
As time wore on, Thomas continued to pursue me more and my goats less. He asked if he could come over during the summer on his way to work (it was a little out of his way) to help me milk my goats in the morning. This time, he was less interested in the goats and more interested in me, meaning he was using my goats to spend time with me. Due in large part to our age difference, I insisted that we just remain friends, and that we did. We became really good summertime friends, and eventually, we expanded our friendship to span the school year. During the last year Thomas was eligible for showmanship as a 4-Her, he requested permission to show one of my goats at the county fair, and he came over every day (except Sunday) to take care of the goat he chose. Thankfully, I managed to squeeze out a place higher than him in the senior goat showmanship class, eventually winning Grand Champion Showman.
Through the ups and downs of our friendship (admittedly mostly ups), Thomas pursued a formal "dating" relationship, which was described in the "On this day in history..." post (5/25/11). Now, as per God's guiding hand, Thomas and I are preparing to embark on a lifelong marital relationship.
Senior showmanship: I got 1st place, and Thomas got 2nd place. It certainly would have been weird if Thomas, whom I taught, beat me in showmanship with one of my goats. |
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Here again, you can see me on the right (with Melly, my Lamancha) and Thomas one goat back (with Sarina, one of my Alpines). |
Don't forget that the Montcalm County 4-H Fair is taking place this week (July 3-9) at the NEW fairgrounds. Today, ironically enough, is both the goat show at the Montcalm County 4-H Fair and my birthday. That's right - I'm now a whopping 23 years old. So, I will be 23, getting married on July 23! To make things even better, I'm pretty sure I was supposed to be born on June 23...I was late...and Sweetie, my first goat, had a collar with the tag 23!
In the spirit of fair week, here's the 4-H Pledge:
4-H Pledge
I pledge:
My HEAD to clearer thinking,
My HEART to greater loyalty,
My HANDS to better living,
For my Club, my Community, my Country & my World.
Shirley's Wedding Pledge
Shirley will pledge:
Her HEAD to clearer thinking (about Thomas),
Her HEART to greater loyalty (to Thomas & the Lord of all),
Her HANDS to larger service with Thomas for others,
Her HEALTH to better living for each other
For their Lord, their family, and their Community & World.
Monday, July 4, 2011
What's your "John Hancock?"
Happy Birthday America!
Today is the day the United States of America commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Surprisingly, the Continental Congress actually voted for a declaration of independence on July 2, which is why John Adams forecasted July 2 as a day that would be forever celebrated. The actual Declaration of Independence was not drafted and edited until two days later, which is why we celebrate Independence Day as July 4. With that said, the signing of the document is believed to have taken place a month later, beginning August 2 with John Hancock. This is just one of many myths pertinent to the birth of the United States. You can read more here.
Due to John Hancock's distinguishing and big swooping signature, the term "John Hancock" took on the its current reference to a signature.
My John Hancock has evolved overtime. If you have seen it, you know that it is rather elaborate, and it may or may not contain enough of the letters in my name to be discernible to an outsider. Now, it will be undergoing a more drastic change; I will have a new last name. Hmm...I will have to come up with a creative way to incorporate "Dean" into my style of signing my name. I guess only time will tell what I come up with...
Today is the day the United States of America commemorates the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Surprisingly, the Continental Congress actually voted for a declaration of independence on July 2, which is why John Adams forecasted July 2 as a day that would be forever celebrated. The actual Declaration of Independence was not drafted and edited until two days later, which is why we celebrate Independence Day as July 4. With that said, the signing of the document is believed to have taken place a month later, beginning August 2 with John Hancock. This is just one of many myths pertinent to the birth of the United States. You can read more here.
Due to John Hancock's distinguishing and big swooping signature, the term "John Hancock" took on the its current reference to a signature.
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John Hancock's signature is the very top, middle signature. |
My John Hancock has evolved overtime. If you have seen it, you know that it is rather elaborate, and it may or may not contain enough of the letters in my name to be discernible to an outsider. Now, it will be undergoing a more drastic change; I will have a new last name. Hmm...I will have to come up with a creative way to incorporate "Dean" into my style of signing my name. I guess only time will tell what I come up with...
Friday, July 1, 2011
Obtaining my "M-R-S" degree
There is a common saying in the American culture referencing a girl going off to college, where one normally obtains a bachelor's degree (B.A., B.S., B.S.N, B.M., etc.), and returns with an "M-R-S" degree. So, this girl finds a bachelor and becomes a "Mrs." With that said, how many people actually know what the "Mrs." is an abbreviation for? Recently, had an article discussing the history of title abbreviations, which technically are considered contractions.
Here's a breakdown:
With the arrival of July, I am reminded of the title of this blog, "Becoming Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr." Thomas is currently in Michigan, and he is completing the final round of tasks before I am no longer becoming but am Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr.
(For those who have received invitations to witness the joining of Thomas and I in holy matrimony, please remember to send in your RSVP.)
Here's a breakdown:
- Mr. = mister
- master
- one having control/authority
- Master
- archaic term, formerly used to address boys
- Mrs. = missus
- mistress
- female teacher, governess
- denotes a married woman
- Miss
- mistress
- used for a girl under 18 years old (typically)
- Ms.
- used to denote a woman without denoting her marital status
- typically used for a woman over 18 years old, yet unmarried
With the arrival of July, I am reminded of the title of this blog, "Becoming Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr." Thomas is currently in Michigan, and he is completing the final round of tasks before I am no longer becoming but am Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr.
(For those who have received invitations to witness the joining of Thomas and I in holy matrimony, please remember to send in your RSVP.)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Light at the end of the tunnel...
When people go through tough times, generally a friend reminds them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Thomas and I chose to embark on a long engagement; instead of sprinting to the marriage altar, we signed ourselves up for a mini ultra-marathon - an 18 month, 1 week engagement.
Our light at the end of the tunnel is the Light. It is a light that shines brighter and truer because it is the light of Jesus Christ. God has been our focus since the very beginning of our relationship, and even though there have been times where we have been sidetracked, like Peter, when we keep our eyes set on Jesus, we are able to stay afloat and walk faithfully to the marriage altar.
Officially, we are one month out from the wedding, meaning that the wedding is becoming more and more real and the end of the tunnel is practically here. HOORAY!
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...we just ran a 5K in Grand Haven. It was their "Kick Off to Summer Fun Run," 5/29/10. |
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Yup...long races can be tiring (I admit a 5K is WAY shorter than a marathon, but still, I'm a sprinter; ~40 yards is my ideal race.), but they are totally worth it. |
Our light at the end of the tunnel is the Light. It is a light that shines brighter and truer because it is the light of Jesus Christ. God has been our focus since the very beginning of our relationship, and even though there have been times where we have been sidetracked, like Peter, when we keep our eyes set on Jesus, we are able to stay afloat and walk faithfully to the marriage altar.
Officially, we are one month out from the wedding, meaning that the wedding is becoming more and more real and the end of the tunnel is practically here. HOORAY!
Friday, June 3, 2011
The 50s
I'm certain some of you remember the 1950s, but I myself was certainly not around to enjoy them. One of the remnants of this time period is a fascinating show, "I love Lucy." It is beyond a doubt, my favorite show.
Shifting gears slightly, today marks the half-century mark in days remaining until Thomas and I tie the knot. Not only is the prospect of getting married becoming more and more exciting, but also, the idea of being done with wedding details and planning and enjoying a wedding-planning-less honeymoon is becoming more and more attractive. It's not that wedding planning is inherently bad; rather, after being at this task for some time, I am ready for it to be completed so that I can enjoy the Big Day (and I think Thomas shares this sentiment).
All the while, quite a few tasks have been achieved by myself and others.
My dress and I underwent our final fitting, after-which, it will be sent via airmail to MI. Lets just say that I hope my dress and hair don't turn out like this for Thomas and my Bid Day. This fitting should yield a dress a step up (or two) from Lucy's dress.
The bouquets are finalized (and all of the extra frilly stuff). I know some people are rather particular about fake vs. real flowers, especially considering wax flowers melt in the sun.
All of the invitations have been mailed for Thomas and my wedding ceremony and reception (party). Hmm...I wonder if there will be any surprise appearances from Superman or other flying superheros...
The music selections for the ceremony have been made, and my musicians are in the process of sorting out the scores and learning their respective part. Hopefully they manage to determine who is playing what without resorting to shaving cream.
The reception details (food, music, etc) will be finalized in the near future.
Shifting gears slightly, today marks the half-century mark in days remaining until Thomas and I tie the knot. Not only is the prospect of getting married becoming more and more exciting, but also, the idea of being done with wedding details and planning and enjoying a wedding-planning-less honeymoon is becoming more and more attractive. It's not that wedding planning is inherently bad; rather, after being at this task for some time, I am ready for it to be completed so that I can enjoy the Big Day (and I think Thomas shares this sentiment).
All the while, quite a few tasks have been achieved by myself and others.
My dress and I underwent our final fitting, after-which, it will be sent via airmail to MI. Lets just say that I hope my dress and hair don't turn out like this for Thomas and my Bid Day. This fitting should yield a dress a step up (or two) from Lucy's dress.
The bouquets are finalized (and all of the extra frilly stuff). I know some people are rather particular about fake vs. real flowers, especially considering wax flowers melt in the sun.
All of the invitations have been mailed for Thomas and my wedding ceremony and reception (party). Hmm...I wonder if there will be any surprise appearances from Superman or other flying superheros...
The music selections for the ceremony have been made, and my musicians are in the process of sorting out the scores and learning their respective part. Hopefully they manage to determine who is playing what without resorting to shaving cream.
The reception details (food, music, etc) will be finalized in the near future.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
On this day in history...
Here's a trivia question - what happened on this day in history? Well, both the Chilean and Argentinean Constitutions were promulgated in 1833 and 1819 respectively. In 1925, John Scopes was indicted for teaching Darwin's Theory of Evolution ( the times have changed...). There was the the infamous one and only nuclear test at the Nevada Test site in 1953. The first Star Wars movie, A New Hope, was released in theaters in 1977 (also the year my parents graduated from high school). Today is known as National Missing Children's Day since Etan Patz disappeared on this day in 1979. For more trivia, click here.
More notably to me, I graduated from Tri County High School five years ago today (5/25/06). Thomas had previously asked me to be his girlfriend (2/11/06); however, I declined because I wanted to finish high school before I became involved in any official relationship with dating drama. So, as I had mentally rehearsed, I inquired if Thomas' offer still stood and then accepted Thomas' invitation to be his girlfriend after receiving my high school diploma earlier in the evening.
Nowadays, the adolescent culture puts emphasis on anniversaries for how long a couple has been together (1 week, 1 month, 1 year, etc.). Here is the end of a poem I wrote for Thomas on our "one-year" dating anniversary.
For one's fifth wedding anniversary, the color is turquoise. Well, this is obviously not our fifth year of marriage, but I would like to say:
More notably to me, I graduated from Tri County High School five years ago today (5/25/06). Thomas had previously asked me to be his girlfriend (2/11/06); however, I declined because I wanted to finish high school before I became involved in any official relationship with dating drama. So, as I had mentally rehearsed, I inquired if Thomas' offer still stood and then accepted Thomas' invitation to be his girlfriend after receiving my high school diploma earlier in the evening.
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Thomas and I at Frederick Meijer Gardens, 2/11/06. |
Thomas and I at my high school graduation. He gave me flowers, and they were my class flowers at that! |
Nowadays, the adolescent culture puts emphasis on anniversaries for how long a couple has been together (1 week, 1 month, 1 year, etc.). Here is the end of a poem I wrote for Thomas on our "one-year" dating anniversary.
I could give you a hug
Or give you a kiss
Or I could simply say
"As you wish!"
Concerning wedding logistics, here is a bit of news:
Formal invitations are going out soon thanks largely due to the efforts of my mom.
Rehearsal and Rehearsal Dinner
The times and locations for both of these events have been finalized thanks to the help of Thomas' mom.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Two turtledoves
If you have ever seen Home Alone 2, then you likely are familiar with the symbolism of turtledoves that is sung about in the song "Twelve Days of Christmas."
So, why all of this stuff about two turtledoves? Well, Thomas and I will have our consummation of marriage in exactly TWO MONTHS!
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: You see that tree there? Well to show our appreciation for your generosity, I'm gonna let you select an object from that tree that you can take home with you.You may be surprised to know that "turtledoves," especially "doves" are found sprinkled throughout both the Old and New Testament.
Kevin McCallister: For free?
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: Oh yes. May I make a suggestion? Take the Turtle Doves.
Kevin McCallister: I can have two?
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: Well, two Turtle Doves. I'll tell you what you do: you keep one, and you give the other one to a very special person. You see, Turtle Doves are a symbol of friendship and love. And as long as each of you has your Turtle Dove, you'll be friends forever.
Kevin McCallister: Wow. I never knew that. I thought they were just part of a song.
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: They are. And for that very special reason.
"My beloved speaks, and says to me:
'Arise, my love, my fair one,
And come away.
For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing (of birds) has come,
And the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

And come away.
For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing (of birds) has come,
And the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth and ripens her green figs,
And the vines are in blossom and give forth their fragrance.
And the vines are in blossom and give forth their fragrance.
Arise, my love, my fair one, And come away!'"
Song of Solomon 2: 10-13
If you know anything about this book in the Bible, you know that it is about King Solomon and his lover or supposed first wife - courtship through consummation. Even during their early days, they were very poetic:
How beautiful you are, my darling! Oh, how beautiful! Your eyes are doves. ~Song of Solomon 1:15
So, why all of this stuff about two turtledoves? Well, Thomas and I will have our consummation of marriage in exactly TWO MONTHS!
Two lives united in friendship,
Two friends united in love,
In the presence of Christ,
Are united to become one.
Two friends united in love,
In the presence of Christ,
Are united to become one.
With Christs help, we will be friends forever...
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Spring planting...
Parable of the Sower
Planting these few plants was not an extremely easy task since the area had some intruders that needed to be removed. Fortunately, the bed contains rich topsoil and is West-facing. Since it is under the eaves of of my garage roof, the plants will likely need to be watered in addition to rainfall. Like the parable above, it is vital for our transplants to receive the proper nutrients and not get choked out by competitors. Planting on good soil is exactly where Thomas and I are starting our marriage - a marriage that is refreshed by the Light, nourished by the Word, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Thomas and I are now in single-digits (for weeks, at least) - NINE WEEKS REMAINING!
“A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was trampled on, and the birds of the air ate it up. 6 Some fell on rock, and when it came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. 7 Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. 8 Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more than was sown.” ... "The seed is the word of God. 12 Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. 13 Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in the time of testing they fall away. 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." Luke 8: 5-8 & 11-15With all of the weather this spring, farmers are finally getting their crops in. Here in Rochester, there was a story about the farmers starting planting a couple weeks back. Going with the trend, Thomas thought it would be fun (and fulfilling) to plant a few low-maintenance vegetables along the garage of my apartment. After asking permission from my landlord and now that the weather seems to be consistently warm, Thomas planted a few peppers and cherry-like tomatoes last weekend (the tomatoes did not survive the cold, frost-like mornings last week) and a tomatillo and replaced the cherry-like tomatoes this weekend. The idea of this garden is to keep the plants growing until I leave for MI in mid-July. Then, upon return from our honeymoon in the beginning of August, "my" apartment will become "our" apartment, and we ideally will be able to reap a harvest.
Planting these few plants was not an extremely easy task since the area had some intruders that needed to be removed. Fortunately, the bed contains rich topsoil and is West-facing. Since it is under the eaves of of my garage roof, the plants will likely need to be watered in addition to rainfall. Like the parable above, it is vital for our transplants to receive the proper nutrients and not get choked out by competitors. Planting on good soil is exactly where Thomas and I are starting our marriage - a marriage that is refreshed by the Light, nourished by the Word, and guided by the Holy Spirit.
Thomas and I are now in single-digits (for weeks, at least) - NINE WEEKS REMAINING!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Happy Mother's Day!!!
As you likely presumed, I have a mother. In thinking about mothers (and hopefully eventually becoming one myself), here are some thoughts from a few others:
22 Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.
23 Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and understanding.
24 The father of a righteous man has great joy;
he who has a wise son delights in him.
25 May your father and mother be glad;
may she who gave you birth rejoice!
Both of our mothers are working earnestly to help put together Thomas and my wedding day. Even though I might be a bit hesitant at times for their assistance, in the end, I am (we are) extremely grateful that they are willing and are doing so much for our Big Day. THANK YOU MOMS!!!
- If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands? ~Milton Berle
- Mother - that was the bank where we deposited all our hurts and worries. ~T. DeWitt Talmage
- My mom is literally a part of me. You can't say that about many people except relatives, and organ donors. ~Carrie Latet
- The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
- When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child. ~Sophia Loren
- A suburban mother's role is to deliver children obstetrically once, and by car forever after. ~Peter De Vries
- Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love. ~Mildred B. Vermont
- Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible. -Marion C. Garretty
True sentiments about our culture today:
- Woman knows what man has long forgotten, that the ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family. -Clare Boothe Luce
- When you educate a man you educate an individual; when you educate a woman you educate a whole family. -Robert M. Maciver
Mother From Fausset’s Bible DictionaryLet me end by quoting Proverbs 23:22-25:
Honored in Israel as she is not in the East generally; one superiority of Judaism over other contemporary systems (1Ki_2:19). King Solomon rose up to meet and bowed himself unto Bathsheba, and set her on his right hand (Lev_19:3). Figuratively, a city is mother of the surrounding villages its daughters (Jos_15:45; 2Sa_20:19). Ezekiel (Eze_21:21) uses “mother of the way” for the parting of the way into two roads which branch from it, as from a common parent; however, Havernick, from a Arabic idiom, translated it as “the highway.” (
22 Listen to your father, who gave you life,
and do not despise your mother when she is old.
23 Buy the truth and do not sell it;
get wisdom, discipline and understanding.
24 The father of a righteous man has great joy;
he who has a wise son delights in him.
25 May your father and mother be glad;
may she who gave you birth rejoice!
Both of our mothers are working earnestly to help put together Thomas and my wedding day. Even though I might be a bit hesitant at times for their assistance, in the end, I am (we are) extremely grateful that they are willing and are doing so much for our Big Day. THANK YOU MOMS!!!
Happy Mother's Day!!!
We love you!
Not sure about this, but hey, Robert Frost was a good poet. What do you think?
“A mother takes twenty years to make a man of her boy, and another woman makes a fool of him in twenty minutes.” -Robert Frost
Thursday, May 5, 2011
National Day of Prayer
As many of you are likely aware, today is the National Day of Prayer, which has been annually proclaimed by the President of the US since its institution by Congress in 1952. Surprisingly, what will probably get more recognition today in the public square is a Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo. Recently, there has been a political battle over the constitutionality of the President asking the citizens of the US to pray for our nation. This has not received much media attention, but the group spearheading the campaign to remove the National Day of Prayer is still fighting. What astounded me was that the group (Americans United for the Separation of Church and State) is headed by a Reverend - a "church" leader. Although I pray none of you are affiliated with this church, I find it disappointing that the United Church of Christ would be involved in removing the President's right to ask people of all Faiths to pray for our nation. Another thing most people don't know is that the legal term "separation of church and state" is not found in the US Constitution. It was originally used by President Jefferson in a letter he wrote to the Danbury Baptists. It was brought to public attention by the Supreme Court in 1878 and has gained a stronger foothold since. Fortunately, there exists a group of people who pray every day specifically for our President - The Presidential Prayer Team.
With this said, please join me in prayer today (and everyday), praying for our nation's leaders to have wisdom and to follow God's guidance. For we are commanded: "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
In your prayers I ask that you pray for Thomas and I as we near holy matrimony, giving us the wisdom to preserve our vows and the perseverance to live them out in an active choice of love.
With this said, please join me in prayer today (and everyday), praying for our nation's leaders to have wisdom and to follow God's guidance. For we are commanded: "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
In your prayers I ask that you pray for Thomas and I as we near holy matrimony, giving us the wisdom to preserve our vows and the perseverance to live them out in an active choice of love.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Made for...
Today is May Four, and I believe Thomas and I were made for each other.
This much I know for sure, Thomas was made for this day - HIS BIRTHDAY!
This much I know for sure, Thomas was made for this day - HIS BIRTHDAY!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
In less than...
In less than three months, Thomas will become one year older.
In less than three months, Thomas will finish his teaching job(s) in Montgomery-
Lonsdale School District.
In less than three months, Thomas will move his worldly possessions into my
apartment (which will become "our" apartment after the wedding).
In less than three months, Thomas will return to Michigan for his summer job.
In less than three months, I will conclude my spring quarter here at Mayo.
In less than three months, I will upgrade one age group.
In less than three months, I will take my qualifying exams.
In less than three months, the 2011 Montcalm County 4-H Fair will be completed.
Phew...there are quite a number of things happening in the next three months. Perhaps the most exciting thing is:
In less than three months, THOMAS AND I WILL BE MARRIED!!!!!
In less than three months, Thomas will finish his teaching job(s) in Montgomery-
Lonsdale School District.
In less than three months, Thomas will move his worldly possessions into my
apartment (which will become "our" apartment after the wedding).
In less than three months, Thomas will return to Michigan for his summer job.
In less than three months, I will conclude my spring quarter here at Mayo.
In less than three months, I will upgrade one age group.
In less than three months, I will take my qualifying exams.
In less than three months, the 2011 Montcalm County 4-H Fair will be completed.
Phew...there are quite a number of things happening in the next three months. Perhaps the most exciting thing is:
In less than three months, THOMAS AND I WILL BE MARRIED!!!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Happy 400th!
Today is the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible.
Due in part to the Reformation and other church movements, this translation was initiated in 1604 and completed in 1611. Here is an abbreviated timeline. The Roman-Catholic Church exerted its force on the Protestant Churches as they pushed for an English Bible. Finally, the Roman-Catholic Church succumbed to the will of people, and the Roman-Catholic Church created what is considered by many to be a corrupt English translation from the Latin-Vulgate Bible. This was done in the 15th century, and a few other versions occurred were generated too. With the end of Queen Mary's reign and then the death of Queen Elizabeth, Prince James VI of Scotland became King, and the Protestant Clergy approached him to set a new translation into motion. This translation examined multiple versions, including The Tyndale New Testament, The Coverdale Bible, The Matthews Bible, The Great Bible, The Geneva Bible, and even the Rheims New Testament (which is the Roman-Catholic version formerly mentioned). Here we have the King James Bible.
Many Protestants today are unaware that the Geneva Bible preceded the King James Bible and was the prominent Bible in the Protestant Church prior to the KJV and for a while following the KJV. This is especially interesting because while the Geneva Bible is 95% the same as the KJV, it is void of contamination by the supposedly tainted Roman-Catholic translation.
Another interesting factoid is the original KJV contained the Apocrypha - 80 books instead of 66. According to my research, there is no widely accepted reason issued by the Protestant Church for the removal of the Apocrypha in the 1880s. Through this time period, a more literal, direct translation was generated - the NASV (New American Standard Version or NAS or NASB). While this is considered by many scholars to be the most popular, the NIV was generated in 1971 to flow with more ease in the English conversation language.
In commemoration of the 400th anniversary, has arranged the reading of the entire Bible in 400 seconds. To read more, click here.
Due in part to the Reformation and other church movements, this translation was initiated in 1604 and completed in 1611. Here is an abbreviated timeline. The Roman-Catholic Church exerted its force on the Protestant Churches as they pushed for an English Bible. Finally, the Roman-Catholic Church succumbed to the will of people, and the Roman-Catholic Church created what is considered by many to be a corrupt English translation from the Latin-Vulgate Bible. This was done in the 15th century, and a few other versions occurred were generated too. With the end of Queen Mary's reign and then the death of Queen Elizabeth, Prince James VI of Scotland became King, and the Protestant Clergy approached him to set a new translation into motion. This translation examined multiple versions, including The Tyndale New Testament, The Coverdale Bible, The Matthews Bible, The Great Bible, The Geneva Bible, and even the Rheims New Testament (which is the Roman-Catholic version formerly mentioned). Here we have the King James Bible.
Many Protestants today are unaware that the Geneva Bible preceded the King James Bible and was the prominent Bible in the Protestant Church prior to the KJV and for a while following the KJV. This is especially interesting because while the Geneva Bible is 95% the same as the KJV, it is void of contamination by the supposedly tainted Roman-Catholic translation.
Another interesting factoid is the original KJV contained the Apocrypha - 80 books instead of 66. According to my research, there is no widely accepted reason issued by the Protestant Church for the removal of the Apocrypha in the 1880s. Through this time period, a more literal, direct translation was generated - the NASV (New American Standard Version or NAS or NASB). While this is considered by many scholars to be the most popular, the NIV was generated in 1971 to flow with more ease in the English conversation language.
In commemoration of the 400th anniversary, has arranged the reading of the entire Bible in 400 seconds. To read more, click here.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Knives are for wives...?!?
Today, my mother-in-law to be will be venturing to MN, where she will join Thomas and I in our celebration of Easter.
In preparing for Easter, the chef side of me has conjured up some delectable ideas. Thinking back to one of the bridal showers, I/we were given a knife set. Preparing for Easter Dinner reminds me of one of my cooking adventures over Thanksgiving 2006 (freshman year in college).
Although Thomas and I are not due to open this box of knives until we return from our honeymoon, I can only imagine what sort of adventures this future wife will have with those future knives...!
In preparing for Easter, the chef side of me has conjured up some delectable ideas. Thinking back to one of the bridal showers, I/we were given a knife set. Preparing for Easter Dinner reminds me of one of my cooking adventures over Thanksgiving 2006 (freshman year in college).
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Mmm, winter squash - butternut and acorn. |
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Alright, time to get serious - squash-cutting time. |
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Although Thomas and I are not due to open this box of knives until we return from our honeymoon, I can only imagine what sort of adventures this future wife will have with those future knives...!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
99 bottles of....
95 bottles of (root)beer on the wall
95 bottles of (root)beer
Take one down; pass it around
95 days remaining till wedded
(See previous posts: 4/15 & 4/16)
95 bottles of (root)beer on the wall
95 bottles of (root)beer
Take one down; pass it around
95 days remaining till wedded
(See previous posts: 4/15 & 4/16)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Shirley Elizabeth
When I was in MI, I visited a number of people, including my grandpa. As of late, my grandfather has been sifting through photos, especially those of my late grandmother.
For those of you who are not aware, my grandmother was called by the Lord on October 23, 1985. This took place exactly one month and two days after my older brother was born, her first grandchild. When I was born a few years later, I was the first granddaughter, and my parents (especially my mother) decided to honor my mom's mom by christening me with her name - Shirley Elizabeth.
Shirley is of old-English origin, meaning "bright meadow" or "white meadow" ("shir" = white/bright, "ley" = clearing/meadow) It was formerly a male name. As the story (rumor) goes, Shirley Temple's parents named her before she was born, and they were hoping for a boy. When she was born and clearly a girl, they kept the name. Given Shirley Temple's popularity, numerous girl babies born in the 1930s were given that name, which is why most "Shirleys" nowadays are women of the age ~70-80. Shirley Temple was also one of the first women to speak openly about her personal experience with breast cancer....hmm...
Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin, meaning "God's promise" or "God is my oath." This name was made popular in the 16th-century by Queen Elizabeth I, making it an English name to many.
From this, one can infer that Bradley means broad clearing ("brad" = broad). So yes, my name literally means "bright meadow - God's promise - broad clearing." Cool, huh!?! What's also cool is that my Grandma Shirley is a daughter of the American Revolution, and my name is pure English...weird!
When I was going through the photos at my grandpa's house (Grandma Shirley's husband), I felt indescribably connected to the photos. Here are a few of my favorites.
With all of this talk about names, I feel strongly that I should keep my birth-name when Thomas and I get married. Thomas has voiced his desire for me to take his surname, which means that I either need to drop my (father's) surname entirely, hyphenate our surnames together (potentially makes my career life easier) or adopt two middle names. Although the decision is not final, I am certainly taking Thomas' last name, and I will likely adopt two middle names, making me Shirley (Elizabeth Bradley) Dean or Shirley E.B. Dean.
For those of you who are not aware, my grandmother was called by the Lord on October 23, 1985. This took place exactly one month and two days after my older brother was born, her first grandchild. When I was born a few years later, I was the first granddaughter, and my parents (especially my mother) decided to honor my mom's mom by christening me with her name - Shirley Elizabeth.
Shirley is of old-English origin, meaning "bright meadow" or "white meadow" ("shir" = white/bright, "ley" = clearing/meadow) It was formerly a male name. As the story (rumor) goes, Shirley Temple's parents named her before she was born, and they were hoping for a boy. When she was born and clearly a girl, they kept the name. Given Shirley Temple's popularity, numerous girl babies born in the 1930s were given that name, which is why most "Shirleys" nowadays are women of the age ~70-80. Shirley Temple was also one of the first women to speak openly about her personal experience with breast cancer....hmm...
Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin, meaning "God's promise" or "God is my oath." This name was made popular in the 16th-century by Queen Elizabeth I, making it an English name to many.
From this, one can infer that Bradley means broad clearing ("brad" = broad). So yes, my name literally means "bright meadow - God's promise - broad clearing." Cool, huh!?! What's also cool is that my Grandma Shirley is a daughter of the American Revolution, and my name is pure English...weird!
When I was going through the photos at my grandpa's house (Grandma Shirley's husband), I felt indescribably connected to the photos. Here are a few of my favorites.
Shirley with her parents. She was an only child. |
It turns out that my grandma was on a postcard (The previous photo is the front)!!! I like to collect postcards. I wonder if this postcard-thing runs in the family or comes with the name. |
Shirley Peterson when she was ~2 years of age. |
What do you think?
Shirley Bradley when she was ~4 years old (aka - me). Do you think the Shirleys look alike? |
With all of this talk about names, I feel strongly that I should keep my birth-name when Thomas and I get married. Thomas has voiced his desire for me to take his surname, which means that I either need to drop my (father's) surname entirely, hyphenate our surnames together (potentially makes my career life easier) or adopt two middle names. Although the decision is not final, I am certainly taking Thomas' last name, and I will likely adopt two middle names, making me Shirley (Elizabeth Bradley) Dean or Shirley E.B. Dean.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sometimes things EXPLODE!
Today is Palm Sunday - the beginning of Holy Week.
During this Church Holiday in 1865, there was a momentous occasion in American history.
Many of you are aware that on Good Friday (April 14, 1865), President Abraham Lincoln was attending a play at the Ford Theater. Then, when his body guard stepped out during the intermission for a drink, John Wilkes Booth seized the opportunity to carry out his assassination plan and shot the President in the back of his head at point blank range. After being in a coma, the President died the following morning, April 15.
What you may not recall is that on Palm Sunday preceding this tragic event, Union commanding general, Ulysses Grant and Confederate commanding general, Robert Lee met at an abandoned farm house in Virginia to negotiate terms of the Confederate's surrender to the Union Army. This date, April 9, 1865, brought the end to a four-year explosion of turmoil that tore the country in two. At the request of President Lincoln (who at this time was still alive), General Grant was gracious towards his opponents, sending them on parole without weaponry opposed to imprisoning the whole lot. It was this wisdom of President Lincoln that allowed for reconciliation and the mending of the country back together.
Unlike those of us today celebrating Palm Sunday for the Passion Week, the Union Army was not in church that Sunday morning, but was celebrating the end of war - the end of a war which reigns as the most destructive war (highest casualties) America has ever endured - with over 600,000 casualties.
I can proudly state as a former Michigander and a current Minnesotan that both Michigan and Minnesota made notable contributions even though they were physically removed from the conflict. Michigan was recognized for sending one-fourth (1/4) of its male population, and Minnesota was the first to send troops to the Union Army; both aiding significantly in the Battle of Gettysburg.
This pivotal date in the history for our country was brought back to my attention when I was listening to Insight for Living - "A Day of Unusual Celebration" on the local Christian radio. Check it out for yourself (April 12, 2011 broadcast).
During this Church Holiday in 1865, there was a momentous occasion in American history.
Many of you are aware that on Good Friday (April 14, 1865), President Abraham Lincoln was attending a play at the Ford Theater. Then, when his body guard stepped out during the intermission for a drink, John Wilkes Booth seized the opportunity to carry out his assassination plan and shot the President in the back of his head at point blank range. After being in a coma, the President died the following morning, April 15.
What you may not recall is that on Palm Sunday preceding this tragic event, Union commanding general, Ulysses Grant and Confederate commanding general, Robert Lee met at an abandoned farm house in Virginia to negotiate terms of the Confederate's surrender to the Union Army. This date, April 9, 1865, brought the end to a four-year explosion of turmoil that tore the country in two. At the request of President Lincoln (who at this time was still alive), General Grant was gracious towards his opponents, sending them on parole without weaponry opposed to imprisoning the whole lot. It was this wisdom of President Lincoln that allowed for reconciliation and the mending of the country back together.
Unlike those of us today celebrating Palm Sunday for the Passion Week, the Union Army was not in church that Sunday morning, but was celebrating the end of war - the end of a war which reigns as the most destructive war (highest casualties) America has ever endured - with over 600,000 casualties.
I can proudly state as a former Michigander and a current Minnesotan that both Michigan and Minnesota made notable contributions even though they were physically removed from the conflict. Michigan was recognized for sending one-fourth (1/4) of its male population, and Minnesota was the first to send troops to the Union Army; both aiding significantly in the Battle of Gettysburg.
This pivotal date in the history for our country was brought back to my attention when I was listening to Insight for Living - "A Day of Unusual Celebration" on the local Christian radio. Check it out for yourself (April 12, 2011 broadcast).
EXPLOSION! I'm looking forward to coloring eggs with Thomas and my future mother-in-law whom are visiting me over Easter. |
Saturday, April 16, 2011
A day goes by...
98 days remaining till wedded
98 days remaining
He's the love of my life; I'll be his goodwife
98 days remaining till wedded
98 days remaining
He's the love of my life; I'll be his goodwife
98 days remaining till wedded
Friday, April 15, 2011
Double Digits!
99 days remaining till wedded,
99 days remaining
As days go by, it will be July
99 days remaining till wedded.
99 days remaining
As days go by, it will be July
99 days remaining till wedded.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
The Century Mark!
Take a quick peak at the countdown on the right - 100 DAYS REMAINING UNTIL OUR WEDDING!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
101 Dalmatians!...I mean...
101 DAYS!
In the movie, having 101 dalmatians equated to having a lot of dogs. In this instance, however, I prefer to think of having 101 days as equating to NOT having a lot of days remaining until Thomas and I enter into ever after through a holy union. While Thomas and I are honestly both anxious to be married, we also know that God says:
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Philippians 4:6So, in the meantime, we are practicing the fruit of patience. After all, what does being anxious or worrying do? Jesus says:
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34This verse reminds me that God has a plan, and everything will work out according to His will.
"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11There is nothing we can do by worrying to change that and to make the days go faster or slower. Henceforth, I intend on taking it one day at a time, and living that day to the fullest and serving my master - Jesus.
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We'll be a married couple in 101 days...!!! decide who is who in this photo. |
*Pictures were found using
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Helping through Heifer
Many of you may remember that Thomas and I registered through Heifer International. At one of the showers, Thomas and I were blessed to receive a flock of chicks and a flock of ducks. Actually, these items were purchased in our honor, and they were given to less fortunate people in a third world country to help combat hunger. Recipients of the chicks and ducks are required to give some of their livestock offspring to another person in the community. That person in the community is instructed to do the same thing. Eventually, the entire village has eggs, meat, and feathers to live off of and share with other villages.
Please keep those in need in your prayers, and please give whatever you are able (time, money, talents, etc.) to aid those who are less fortunate. The Heifer Project is an excellent outlet for a self-sustaining way to feed the world.
Also - I would like to quack shout out to some peeps, my Uncle and sister-in-law, who celebrate their respective births on this day.
Please keep those in need in your prayers, and please give whatever you are able (time, money, talents, etc.) to aid those who are less fortunate. The Heifer Project is an excellent outlet for a self-sustaining way to feed the world.
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Photo: China Ducks provide poor families protein from eggs, money from the sale of eggs and ducks, and better crops in the fields, as they remove weeds and bugs and add fertilizer. |
Also - I would like to quack shout out to some peeps, my Uncle and sister-in-law, who celebrate their respective births on this day.
Monday, April 11, 2011
When it rains, it pours!
Every time Thomas/I travel to/from MI, our route takes us past quite a few unique bulletin boards and advertisements. On my way back to MN, the scenario was no different. I was traveling by myself, so I couldn't take a picture of what I saw, but here is a similar photo on I-90/I-94 in downtown Chicago.
Thomas and I would like to thank all those who showered us with gifts by contributing to the Bradley and/or Dean Bridal Shower. This past weekend, Thomas helped me stow the gifts away in my apartment until we get them out after our honeymoon. We would especially like to thank those who aided me in the transportation/packing of the gifts, like my older brother and my father.
In closing, check out the water tower visible as one enters Chicago on I-90.
Thomas and I would like to thank all those who showered us with gifts by contributing to the Bradley and/or Dean Bridal Shower. This past weekend, Thomas helped me stow the gifts away in my apartment until we get them out after our honeymoon. We would especially like to thank those who aided me in the transportation/packing of the gifts, like my older brother and my father.
In closing, check out the water tower visible as one enters Chicago on I-90.
We were Showered-rite! |
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Bumps and bruises...
As many of you know, especially the women who frequent bridal showers, there is a long held tradition/superstition stating that for every ribbon the bride breaks, the showered couple will have another child. With this in my mind, I decided to prove to people that this superstition is false (as are all other superstitions). I did so by breaking every ribbon (not bows) I came across at any expense. Let me tell you, some of the presents had some serious ribbons. My determination to break every ribbon cause me to endure an injury. Yup...when breaking a ribbon on a box that had too much give, the ribbon rubbed my engagement ring against my skin, and it gave me ring burn (not to be confused with ringworm). The worst part of this injury (and I'm still noticing the effect seeing as it is only now beginning to scab over) is that wearing the ring makes it worse. The ring continues to rub the surface, preventing it from healing. This was compounded by wearing gloves in lab, which made my ring dig into my finger even more. Since my finger was more important than having a sparkling object on my finger, I opted to remove the ring for a day to initiate the healing process and to preserve my digit. If it was a wedding band, I think it would take a more serious injury to warrant removing my band.
Here's some proof of the mishap:
Fortunately, after a day of not wearing my engagement ring, my finger has started to heal enough to the point where I can wear it again. WOW...who knew that opening presents could be so dangerous as to damage a delicate young lady's hand...!?!?
I guess I'll have another battle scar to add to my collection...
Here's some proof of the mishap: one and my finger was sore. |
After four days, the wound was getting deeper, so I took my ring off (and Thomas didn't mind). |
Fortunately, after a day of not wearing my engagement ring, my finger has started to heal enough to the point where I can wear it again. WOW...who knew that opening presents could be so dangerous as to damage a delicate young lady's hand...!?!?
I guess I'll have another battle scar to add to my collection...
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Road trip!
After the Bradley Bridal Shower, there were many doubts about whether I would be able to haul the wonderful gifts back to MN.
I too began wondering about whether or not they would fit in the Buick, but once I saw all of the presents neatly stowed away in my parents' basement, I was once again confident in Thomas and my decision to use the more fuel efficient (and older) vehicle for my return to MI.
Check out my success!
I too began wondering about whether or not they would fit in the Buick, but once I saw all of the presents neatly stowed away in my parents' basement, I was once again confident in Thomas and my decision to use the more fuel efficient (and older) vehicle for my return to MI.
Check out my success!
...leaving for Chicago and eventually MN from the Dean Bridal Shower. |
Friday, April 8, 2011
April showers bring May flowers!
After spending a week traveling nomadically through MI, I was off to the second of two bridal showers. This shower was thrown by members of Thomas' side.
Here are a few pics of the Dean Bridal Shower:
Oh...and May flowers bring pilgrims!
Here are a few pics of the Dean Bridal Shower:
...goats...finally! |
Stackable bowls! |
Camping = YES! (Don't ask me what this face was about...) |
Cereal?!? |
...just kidding! (No pun |
A make-up bell...! |
Thomas is very particular about cooking utensil holders, and this is the type he wanted! |
Thanks everyone for all of the effort you put into the showers. Also, thank you for the advice noted in the book, and the assistance planning the wedding!
Oh...and May flowers bring pilgrims!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The Present Presents
As promised, here are a few pictures of the presents (Thomas and) I received from the Bradley Bridal Shower. Admittedly, the lighting made quite a few of the pictures blurry, so I tried to post the better quality photos here.
TOOLS! Now the question is - who will use them more? Thomas or me? |
Large frying pan...quite the weight to swing. |
Yay for "jamming" materials - jars, preserving book, and even pectin! |
Canners make canning easier. Water baths are great, but these are better (I think). |
A crockpot that will cook enough for visitors (or whatever the quiver ends up being). |
Thomas likes plants. I like cooking. So, why not grow plants you can cook with!?! |
Thanks everyone!
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