Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Helping through Heifer

Many of you may remember that Thomas and I registered through Heifer International. At one of the showers, Thomas and I were blessed to receive a flock of chicks and a flock of ducks. Actually, these items were purchased in our honor, and they were given to less fortunate people in a third world country to help combat hunger. Recipients of the chicks and ducks are required to give some of their livestock offspring to another person in the community. That person in the community is instructed to do the same thing. Eventually, the entire village has eggs, meat, and feathers to live off of and share with other villages.

Please keep those in need in your prayers, and please give whatever you are able (time, money, talents, etc.) to aid those who are less fortunate. The Heifer Project is an excellent outlet for a self-sustaining way to feed the world.
Photo: China
Ducks provide poor families protein from eggs, money
from the sale of eggs and ducks, and better crops in the
fields, as they remove weeds and bugs and add fertilizer.

Also - I would like to quack shout out to some peeps, my Uncle and sister-in-law, who celebrate their respective births on this day.

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