Friday, July 1, 2011

Obtaining my "M-R-S" degree

There is a common saying in the American culture referencing a girl going off to college, where one normally obtains a bachelor's degree (B.A., B.S., B.S.N, B.M., etc.), and returns with an "M-R-S" degree. So, this girl finds a bachelor and becomes a "Mrs." With that said, how many people actually know what the "Mrs." is an abbreviation for? Recently, had an article discussing the history of title abbreviations, which technically are considered contractions.
Here's a breakdown:
  • Mr. = mister
    • master
    • one having control/authority
  • Master
    • archaic term, formerly used to address boys
  • Mrs. = missus
    • mistress
    • female teacher, governess
    • denotes a married woman
  • Miss
    • mistress
    • used for a girl under 18 years old (typically)
  • Ms.
    • used to denote a woman without denoting her marital status
    • typically used for a woman over 18 years old, yet unmarried
The history of these titles for men and women arguably provides some of the fuel for the women's suffrage movement and other feminist movements, claiming that women have been oppressed. I, however, infer the contrary. The titles for a man and the titles for a woman give respect to the role each played in the household. The husband was the head, and the woman was the teacher of the children. Men referred to a woman saying "miss" or "mistress," which esteemed her role and expressed courtesy. Even the current use of "ma'am" or "madam" are terms of royalty.
Before going to Alaska to visit Thomas (December 27, 2007), many of my friends thought it would be fun to joke about me getting married in Alaska. So...messages like this were frequently left on my whiteboards.

With the arrival of July, I am reminded of the title of this blog, "Becoming Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr." Thomas is currently in Michigan, and he is completing the final round of tasks before I am no longer becoming but am Mrs. Thomas Dean Jr.

(For those who have received invitations to witness the joining of Thomas and I in holy matrimony, please remember to send in your RSVP.)

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