Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Finally February - Thee Final February there are FIVE MONTHS until Ever After! This means that come next February, I will be a married woman (...which give me plenty of time to get used to that description, "married woman").

Thomas and I are growing closer together and closer with Christ. In the process, we are trying to pick a church, start doing devotions together, and perhaps embark on a few "marriage" books before our union, among many other tasks, hobbies, and pursuits. 
Mayo Foundation House

I decided I should do some personal soul-searching and search for guidance on how to best fulfill my role as a wife (maybe if I keep saying "wife" and "married woman" I'll get used to it faster). Well, it is a good thing I had my eyes pealed because when I was in the library at the Mayo Foundation House (first owned and built by Dr. Will Mayo, the older of the two brothers) my friend and I stumbled upon this book.

"The Wise Wife" by Arthur Somers Roche, published 1928
Since I am a product of the feminist movement, I'll be honest - this book is NOT for me (or really anyone for that matter). With that said, I still appreciate chivalry like having the door opened for me and other conservative and traditional roles for men and women. Concerning the role of a wife, it is laid out with great detail in the Holy Book even though there are obvious cultural differences. In many ways, the Bible speaks against equality in the marriage setting ("All men are created equal" as stated in the Declaration of Independence, but man and woman were created unequally but for each other) . Thomas and I have read many of God's commands given by Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, but I wanted to start at the beginning. especially the end of Genesis 2 (...hence my reference to created for each other). A puzzle many struggle with is how to maintain the unity as one flesh. In Proverbs 31, there is a Hebrew poem written by either King Lemuel (symbolic for King Solomon, meaning devoted or belonging to God) or Bathsheba, King David's wife. Each verse starts with a different letter of the Hebrew alphabet, equivalent to A-Z in English. Although it does not state it directly, I believe if this describes a wife, the unity of her marriage is likely to be preserved. I'm continuing to meditate on the message and application of this poetic Proverb for me. In the meantime, one Proverb that has a very clear message is Proverbs 14:1.
The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Besides my personal devotions, here are some other areas of recent headway:

Hair stylist
I am in the process of seeking someone to do my hair on the day of Ever After. Right now, I have a solid lead, and I am certain everything will pan out.

I am in the process of nailing down scores for the ceremony with the assistance of my dulcet-gifted comrades.

Wedding Cake
 I have a couple ideas for the cake. Now, I have to do is discuss them with Thomas to see if he likes my ideas. Once we reach an agreement, our request will be sent to his Aunt.

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